Monday 9 September 2024

9th September - Titchfield Haven, Hampshire

We missed the Wryneck at Titchfield on Saturday because it was reported late.  I missed it yesterday because I wasn't there.  Today as I drove to the Haven it was reported again, at 9.30.  I arrived and walked to the area it has been frequenting and watched.

I stood here for two hours, then went and got my lunch and sat and watched, nothing showing.  There were a few Whitethroats in the bramble and three Yellow Wagtails and several House Martins flew over.

After three hours I decided to go into the reserve, It was then reported from close to the Meon hide.  I walked around but again nothing so I went into the hide.  A snipe was bathing in front of the small Snipe island.

Then one of two Common Sandpipers on the island in front of the hide.

A female Marsh Harrier cruised over the north scrape, putting everything up.

Once everything had settled down there was a Sandwich Tern on one of the far islands.

The Snipe showed very well after it's bath.

I walked down to the Spurgin Hide where apart from a distant Sparrowhawk it was quiet.  Coming back I spent some time around the area where the Wryneck had been reported.  I then took a walk around the chalets and scrub, but of course nothing.

So it was back into the Meon Shore Hide after a search around the path outside.

One of the Sandwich Terns flying around the scrape.

Lapwings are stunning looking birds.

Everything on the scrape went up and a male Marsh Harrier appeared over the scrape after coming in along the river.

A male bird looking rather worn.

After the Marsh Harrier flew back over the scrapes and away towards the Frying Pan another Snipe, or maybe the same bird was back in front of the island bathing.

A chance to see the many different plumage.

Then off and on to the island to preen.

A whistling call and a female Kingfisher flew on to one of the perches in front of the hide.  It was there for just a few seconds and then sped off across the scrape.

Two juvenile Common Terns on the scrape.

My parking was running out so I walked along the footpath once more scanning for the Wryneck, but there was nothing about.  Bright sunshine, clear skies, maybe it had gone.  I decided to head home and the try again tomorrow, hopeful it would stay.

About five minutes from home, just as I turned on to the Ropley Road from the A32 a message came in "Wryneck showing well in the area close to the toilet block"  FFS!

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