Thursday, 27 February 2025

27th February - Titchfield Haven Canal Path and Hill Head, Hampshire

 After the mist of the weekend today was glorious with sunshine all the way, overnight though there had been a frost.  I decided to start from the Bridge Street car park and walk to the Haven.  First I checked the horse field for both Ibis and Water Pipit, but found only Pied Wagtail.

The river Meon had flooded the meadows all the way down the canal path, and the path was very muddy.  The view across Posbrook Floods.

There wasn't any sign of the Glossy Ibis, but amongst the Tufted Duck on Posbrook Floods was a drake Pochard, something that is becoming a rare bird here.  After Posbrook the next bird of note was a Firecrest just south of Hammond's Bridge.

I walked around to the east side to see if the Tawny Owls were showing and had a marginally better view.  Walking back around to the west side a Tufted Duck was sleeping within the reflection of the reeds.

As I walked up to the Meon Shore hide I came across this Fox, it was completely unfazed by me and stood watching me as much as I watched him.

Taking in the sunshine.

Not wanting to look at me.

A little wary as I got closer.

I walked on and it disappeared into the bushes.  I went into the hide and after the rain of the day before the scrape was almost completely flooded.  I could see the male Goosander on the north scrape so decided to walk around, somewhere to sit and have lunch.  Coming out of the hide the Fox ad returned.

According to others this fox has become aware that people here have lunch and will wait around to see if it can get fed.  It wasn't worried by me at all and it was lovely to get close to such a beautiful looking animal.  I can only assume it is a dog, the bush y tail and square head an indication.

It was tame enough for me to get some video.

From the Pumfrett Hide the Goosander was showing well.

A preen.

the Goosander would swi between the various Shelduck and seemed to want to pair up, but the Shelduck were having nothing of it and would be quite aggressive to the Goosander, who would then swim off to look for another.

An indication of how high the water was on both scrapes, this Snipe struggling to balance on this little bit of mud.

I made my way back along the canal path through the mud.  The only highlight being a very distant Marsh Harrier at about half way.

Going home I picked up the three Glossy Ibis as I turned off the A27 and onto Mill Lane.  I was than able to keep them in sight until I lost thema s I went under the M27 bridge.  Have to wonder where they were going, but there is a lot of water in the area that just isn't accessible.

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