Thursday 6 June 2024

4th June - Hamble River Country Park, Hampshire

I had a busy morning and had to be in Basingstoke for 16:00 in the afternoon, so when a report of a male Red-backed Shrike came in early morning I was in two minds if I could fit it in.  However I decided to give it a go, the last Red-backed Shrike I had seen was a while ago in Surrey.  Despite the fact they bred in the New Forest in the late sixties I had not seen one in Hampshire before.

From the entrance to the park and the car park was a long way over annoying speed bumps and when I reached the car park I wasn't sure where to go.  I eventually found the location and joined a small group of other birders, including Ian.  The shrike was showing well but a little distant.  It would move around from favourite posts, to bramble bushes and immature oak trees.  The weather was overcast, but warm and this was causing a heat haze which was not helping with getting a sharp image.  I took this shot as a record, just in case.

It did begin to show a little better.

All shrikes are known as "butcher birds" because of their habit of storing their prey on thorns and spikes.  However I feel the Red-backed Shrike, is the true "butcher bird".

Obscured here by some leaves!

This spring has seen a large influx of Red-backed Shrike with most along the east coast sites and the Scottish islands of the Orkneys and Shetland.  There was a notable gathering of nine at Flamborough Head in East Yorkshire.  Hampshire had a female in North Baddesley a week ago, but I wasn't able to get there.  I must admit a male is a special bird, with the black mask, grey head and rufous red back and wings.

There were some showers about and this did push the temperature down, and the heat haze eased a little as a result.

These next two posts were a favourite, the shrike returning to them over an over again.

Great at last to catch up with a Hampshire Red-backed Shrike, all down to be able to get about when I want to and no work restrictions.  It seems incredible that I have been retired for a year at the end of this month.

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