Monday 19 August 2024

17th August - Keyhaven - Lymington Reserve

We are now in the perfect time for passage waders and one of the best place to find them is at the Keyhaven-Lymington Reserve.  It was an early start, the first for some time and I met Ian in the car park at the end of Lower Pennington Lane just before 7.00am and we set off across the Old Tip towards Fishtail Lagoon with some enthusiasm, surely the waders seen earlier in the week, namely Curlew Sandpipers would still be here.

Walking across the Old Tip a Peregrine flew low over us bringing out the alarm calls.  There was a collection of waders at the back of the lagoon, but these unfortunately were all Dunlin.

At the sea wall a Sedge Warbler showed briefly.

Out on the saltmarsh a Curlew amongst the flowers.

The tide was rising in Butts Bay.

We had seen it as we crossed the Old Tip, a Spoonbill was feeding on the lagoon.  An adult bird it has been present for a while.

It seemed rather wary of us.

Pausing to see what would happen.

A shake.

And a scratch.

Then it flew away and off towards the Butts and Jetty Lagoons.

The water levels and mud at the west end of Fishtail are excellent for waders, but unfortunately we could only find a Ruff amongst the Black-tailed Godwits.

We moved on to the Keyhaven Lagoon where there was an abundance of Little Egrets.  This individual was close to the sea wall and I managed this shot from a selection taken as it fished.

It was a beautiful day, the lagoon looking quite special in the sunshine.

We walked back to Fishtail and the Ruff.  At first at the back of the lagoon.

But then it worked the open water, coming closer.

Caught a shrimp.

Walking on there were the Black-tailed Godwits feeding.

Close enough for a nice portrait.

A Game of Thrones pose?

Two Common Sandpipers were feeding along the shore of the islands.

There were two Common Gulls roosting on the Avocet Island.

Walking around Butts Bay there were three Eider coming into the bay.  Males in eclipse plumage.

The Spoonbill was feeding on Butts Lagoon, here catching the perfect shrimp!

There was very little else of interest until we reached Oxey, here a very nice Common Blue.

While on the lagoon a Greenshank.

No waders on Salterns, jus this Little Egret.

There was a few Ringed Plover and Dunlin on the islands at Normandy, but in general wader numbers were very low.  This Greenshank was hiding on the south side.

Walking along the path it was possible to get a better view.

Also a Redshank.

At the east end of the lagoon there was a roost of a dozen Greenshank in amongst the Redshank.

It still wasn't high tide officially as we walked back past Oxey Creek.

Crossing Oxey Marsh we found two Wheatear in the scrub just below the sea wall.

We walked back to the car park, checking the Shoveler Pools which had only two Lapwing on them.  There were quite a few cattle on Pennington Marsh, but there was no sign of any Yellow Wagtail.

After some lunch we walked along the Ancient Highway and then back around to Keyhaven Lagoon.  At the back of lagoon there were several Grey Plover in summer plumage.

It was hot now and a heat haze wasn't helping the photography.  The Ruff was still on Fishtail and a few more waders at the back.  It was now time to head home.  It was disappointing to miss out on the Curlew Sandpiper, surely luck will change in the next few days.

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